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ALERT! RI Senate Judiciary Hearing on ALL gun bills on April 12th, 2021!!

Hearing will start at 3pm and will last until late evening. You have the option to submit written testimony AND/OR testify via telephone. Many people will submit written testimony, but we need more people to testify. It doesn't need to be a lengthy testimony, but please at least state that you are opposed to more gun control.

It is CRITICAL that you do the following steps:

  • Verbal Testimony
    Submit by Sunday, 4pm! Use Rhode Island phone number if possible! Press the button above and fill out the form. UPDATE: You need to fill out the form for each bill you want to testify (verbal) on, but you will only testify once. The Committee will call you when it is your turn. The call will be from 401 222 xxxx. If you miss the call, please email the clerk and they may let you testify later. Keep your testimony on a topic directly related to the bill.
  • Please fill out one form for each bill to state your position, but you will only get to testify one time!
    Anti gun bills: S0073, S0129, S0406, S0414, S0415, S0416, S0417, S0737, S0742
    Pro gun bills: S0119, S0176, S0191, S0456, S0507, S0508, S0509, S0517, S0522
  • Watch Hearing
  • Written Testimony: Submit by Monday, 2pm! Use the form below to submit written testimony via email. Feel free to modify the Subject and Body of the email. You will receive a copy of the email.

  • Click here if you are having problems with reCAPTCHA. If that still doesn't work you can send an email to the committee here. You might have to wait a few seconds for the emails to load properly in your email program. Written Testimony

    June 25th, 2021:There is only a few days left of the session and the antis are pushing to pass some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country! Contact the General Assembly and ask them to oppose ALL Gun Control bills! here to show your opposition to more gun control.

    April 12th, 2021:EVERY gun bill to be heard in Senate Judiciary.Contact Senate Judiciary Committee here to show your opposition to more gun control.

    March 19th, 2021:EVERY gun bill to be heard in House Judiciary.Contact House Judiciary Committee here to show your opposition to more gun control.

    March 8th, 2021:Contact House Judiciary Committee! here to show your opposition to more gun control.

    February 22nd, 2021:Sign the petition here to show your support.